Check out this tiny frog that was warming up under a tarp covering some kindling behind the woodshed. I let it go in a safer, warmer area. Hopefully it will join the nightly tree frog chorus.
Check out this tiny frog that was warming up under a tarp covering some kindling behind the woodshed. I let it go in a safer, warmer area. Hopefully it will join the nightly tree frog chorus.
The flock, reunited. Peeps is on the far right and PoopButt is in the center, closest to the front. We were worried the other chicks would pick on Peeps, but not only did PoopButt run interference for her, she also pecks and scolds the bigger chicks at will.
After working all day outside, Fergus shows us how to REALLY relax! Corgi-style...
This is naughty Newt. She somehow got on top of the support beam for the netting that protects the laying flock from raptors, and is conducting a surprise chicken inspection.
And here's Stewart, big as a horse now. First he "Marmaduked me", as in came over and climbed up to say hello. Then he obviously recalled those times as a puppy on my lap and wiggle-leapt the reast of the way onto my lap, before he could be ejected to the floor. Naughty, but still had me laughing...
Chicky update: All but one are thriving, and even the one sickly runt seems likely to make it. The two black star hybrids, just don't seem as vigorous as the other breeds.
Looks like someone (besides the fern) might call this tree home.
The feed store had got in 100 Cornish Cross meat birds last night, but someone bought them all. We'll get 10 or so next week to raise for the freezer. Should be a bit more tender than our Sussexes.
Looks like we're getting the beginning of the forecasted Pineapple Express. One last monsoon before spring, methinks. Hopefully we won't lose power, but I have my doubts about a certain cottonwood in the woods across the road. It's leaning perilously towards the main power lines...
More gorgeous spring weather here. Perfect for gardening and other outdoor fun.
Essentially, Coq au Vin, our home raised chickens stewed in wine, onion, mushrooms, garlic and herbs. Mmm-mm!
Otherwise Seventrees denizens have been under the weather. Some bug making the rounds has layed us all low for a few days. I guess the weather hasn't helped. Look for some real projects soon, or so we hope... weather permitting.