Lovely site built trusses.
One of the reasons we picked Blue Ribbon Steel Buildings over all the other companies.
Mercia softens warm laundry for us.
Spring has sprung sort of. I am out planting conservation trees today, in between snow, wind, sprinkles and sleet. March is certainly "in like a lion". Let's hope she's out like a lamb!
Milking log:
3/19 - 1.5 quarts in a few minutes. We decided to go out to dinner, so I just milked enough to keep Stella in the routine.
3/20 - 2.5 quarts after being separated 5 hours. I left some for Doug since my hands got tired. I think Stella could easily give close to a gallon in the evening milking.
And Stella's in heat. We'll get a few months to count cycle days before Bob comes back, which will help us eatimate when she gets pregnant again.
As far as the barnyard critters go...
Baby chicks move to the outdoor house tomorrow. They've had plenty of people time in the backroom, and they are almost escaping size from their current digs. Look for some photos of moving day soon.
Stella update: Her bag and teats are yet larger... all 4 quarters now swelling a bit in preparation for milk production. She shows no other sign of labor, but my prediction is this Sunday March 7th, 2008... stay tuned!!