Monday, March 20, 2006

Feeling a little seedy today

I'll spare you the pictures of flats of dirt in the greenhouse, but I took a few minutes after work to finish planting the herb seeds that get an indoor start. There are 7 flats with 25 different herbs, mostly medicinal. Hopefully we'll dig up some nice free-form beds up front near the fruit trees to direct-sow the rest of the seeds, and transplant the ones I started today.

We went to Bakerview nursery this weekend and got a nice pile of bulbs for the flower bed by the mailbox. Some really cool stuff that I hope the deer won't eat. Peonies, lily-of-the-valley, and some strange ones I can't remember the names of.

The seed potatoes from Ronniger's arrived today, so looks like we'll be digging a tater patch this weekend. In between working on the cross-fencing so the goaties and hens can have some fresh grazing. It's also time to direct sow a few more veggies into the raised beds, and transplant the onions and greens we started last fall. Whew!

I just read a really sad post from one of my goat lists. A doe kidded outside in the cold while the owner was away. A boy & girl. The owner couldn't find a small water bucket, so used a bigger one in the kidding pen since she was hurrying to get them inside & warm. The next morning she came out to find the little doeling drowned in the water bucket. I sure hope Lassie has an easy birthing and her babies are healthy & strong.

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