Afterwards we had some daylight left as well as a break in the rain, so we hurried home to get a little work done on the cross paddock fence.

Did some experimenting with how the bracing on these fence runs are put together . They gave a smidge, nothing terrible, but I am definitely keeping my eye on them. That OCB of mine just won't let me do otherwise.
We also found a few minutes to harvest some more Nettles for eating and drying. They come up abundantly in several spots on our place.

This picture is of some just picked plants layed out to dry.
Nettles are rich in chlorophyll and young nettle shoots before flowering, once cooked, are not only edible but are an excellent source of beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and minerals, especially silica. The plant is also very high in iron and a full 10 percent protein. Nettles have been in use since the bronze age as a spring tonic and restorative. The dried leaves can be added to tea and are helpful as an expectorant, hay-fever cure, respiratory aid, and improve skin complextion and make your hair brighter. Truly amazing!

We like the fresh plants steamed and then tossed with butter, salt and pepper. Sometimes I add a sprinkle of apple cider vinegar on top of mine as well. The dried form is great crumbled in soups or stews or add it to a cup of herbal tea.
Be sure to wear gloves when harvesting or you'll discover first hand why the are called "Stinging" Nettles!
More on Stinging Nettles HERE
Hey there, nettle collector! My Mom uses nettles as fertilizer as well, for the garden. She fills a bucket tightly with them, adds cold water and covers it lightly and stirs once a day. After several days the liquid mixed 1:3 with water is used as fertilizer. I am not sure which properties it has, but she swears by it. Love to read your stories, makes me feel as if I have been there. Good to see Luna and Crighton looking so good.
You can bet I'll be trying that fertilizer! Thanks 8- ))
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