Can you see the baby bunny??? Maybe you need to click on the picture to see clearly, but we had a baby bunny visit our home paddock last night. She was right in front of our new run-in, and could have fit into my cupped hands. The little bugger hopped in and out of sight around the corner, and through the tall grass nibbling for a few minutes before she moved on.
We were both delighted, despite the fact that she might: A. - not be alone, and B. - might like to eat our hay or that her and her crew might even discover our garden... guess we can cross that bridge if/when we come to it. In the meantime it's wonderful to have such a cute visitor.
And speaking of garden, here's a delicious salad picked fresh moments before, and tasting simply delightful. A balsamic vinaigrette enhanced, but did not overwhelm. Bon apetit!
What's the purple leafed plant in your salad? Please tell me you didn't put mustard on your salad.
I've been enjoying garden-grown salads for a while now (as we're so much further south than you). The tastes are robust, but I think due to the types of lettuces used. This is my first time using arugula and catalogna, for instance. They both have more of a "woodsy" taste. Don't have any purple varieties, but I'd like some. Would you be interested in a seed exchange (thinking ahead to a fall salad garden or even next year)?
The red/purple greens are beets! Tiny little Bulls Blood beet greens. There is also some ruby chard in there, but it's beets showing mostly. We planted a bunch of seeds from http://bountifulgardens.org/
They are working to preserve and develop plant varieties that are extremely useful and suited to intensive gardening, like the square foot method. We also got some short season tomato seeds from them, developed in Scotland for cooler summers. I should have started them a bit sooner, but they will hopefully set fruit once our summer temps kick in.
I'd love to swap seeds though! Half the fun of a new garden is experimenting to find what grows best.
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