I bet Lassie is telling Berry not to play with sticks. She is usually telling him not to do something...She'll make a funny, grunting maa maaa and stamp a foot at him when she wants him to come back to her. He doesn't listen, unless he's hungry. Berry's big un-manhood day is Aug 3rd. Then he'll be a wether instead of a buckling. Better for everyone, once he forgets the painful part. He is so people-oriented, it's hard getting action shots. When he sees a person he stops playing and runs over for attention. What a ham!
Looks like there were some casualties in the "barware" department. A keychain-sized plastic bottle opener and our main corkscrew/opener both bit the dust while on holiday across the road at the neighbors' bonfire. Time to invest in some industrial strength equipment! Must be all the tightly capped homebrew bottles.
We're trying to sort out some kind of trip, but with crazy work schedules, a million summer projects, and almost a million critters, the logistics are nearly impossible. So far we're looking at some dayhikes and maybe one weekend trip (not til early Oct which puts a crimp in hiking possibilities). We shall see...
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