The little monster is home from the vet now. He got laser surgery instead of the old-fashioned scalpel method. And wouldn't you know it, he's ready for trouble and already sent to bed for roughhousing. No doubt he can use the rest anyway. He's also got his big-boy rabies tag too.
Here he is singing the blues about the hard hard life of a male puppy, the night before the big snip...
And the "after" photo, with Fergus inspecting the vet's handiwork...
We also got word that Stella is doing well enough to come home next month! So we'll be out finishing up the hotwire fence and making sure the barnyard is buttoned up and ready for a little heifer. Today's errands included the brew store, where we got the makins for pumkin ale. We bought a couple pie pumpkins at the farmer's market, which will be roasted prior to being chucked in the brew kettle. And lucky for us, since the goats ate all our garden pumpkins this summer, our neighbors are giving us their sugar pumkpins after they're done serving as outdoor holiday decor. Most likely more pumpkin ale and some pumpkin bread are on our up-coming menu.
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