Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fall is falling...

Just under 40 dgrees this AM, so it's a good thing we harvested the bigger of our pasillo peppers seen below. We'll dehydrate them for winter chili, but put aside a couple to try stuffing with meat and rice for oven baking. Other dehydrated items behind the peppers from left to right, pear slices, celery, more peppers, and plum quarters. We love our excalibur dehydrator and have found it one of our handiest food preservation tools!
Funny thing happens to dogs when it starts getting cooler, and I get a fire going in the wood stove. They all want to come inside and snooze near the heat as Stewart here demonstrates.

Then there's the cats, and how they cope with cold. Here's Crichton just below, delightfully sandwiched between two toasty fleece blankets that I hand craft daily into a cat hideout for him on the bed. Other than opening his eyes and peeking back, he didn't seem to mind the paparazzi. It's hard being beautiful.

It's more painting on the barn today. Perhaps by days end we'll do another post showing some progress. In the meantime... happy hump-day!

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