Monday, September 03, 2007

Name... that... fungii!

Anyone know what this particular mushroom is? Anyone?? It's growing in soil near some very old fir trees in a drier area in the back yard. That's a quarter next to it for size reference. If it gets much bigger, I'm going to be afraid!

Can you see the wee green tree frog? We run into these little guys in the Himalayan blackberry bushes when we are out picking. Another reason, besides the yummy berries that we just chop the wild blackberry bushes back over tearing them out completely, despite the variety being incredibly invasive.

Spot the kitty, or where Newt is cute... this day it was just over the fenceline on our neighbor's tractor! John Deere might want this one for a commercial. All I know is that I am glad she doesn't know how to start it up. Yet.

And here's the Amaranth or "pigweed" standing in the garden. Amaranth has been valuable for thousands of years in many cultures for grain, greens, medicines, and even making dye. The picture doesn't really do justice to how pretty the rust red of the seed heads looked contrasted against the bright green of the surrounding foliage.

Here the heads are after harvest. We'll let them get dried out, and at very least the chickens will have a healthy snack. Although we do hope to try some ourselves as well. Also shown are several freshly harvested heirloom delicata squash and a potimarron. The squash could have been more robust this year, but we'll do better with it next!

A few ears of sweet corn. We'll plant a larger block of this next year too. There's just not much as tasty as fresh picked corn.

And alas but the variety escapes me, but we managed to grow this here watermelon in our green house, thanks to some friends who gifted us with seeds! As soon as I recall or dig up the variety again I'll post it, but it was one developed for Idaho, and does well with a shorter growing season. We actually have another one about the size of a softball, getting bigger fast that we'll also hope to try if all goes as planned!

All in all this year's garden has been many lessons learned that will serve us well for the next year. In fact we are starting to plan next years garden already! I think we're hooked...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    hi Joanna, picked up your post on rogersmushrooms and contacted a mycologist at UW who would like to contact you (i think he specialises in douglas fur). send me your mail addr to and i will fwd the mail to you.
