Monday, June 16, 2008

No worries at Seven Trees

With Magnus on the scene, we humans never have to relax for a moment. We just let him handle that thankless task, saving the frantic, incessant labor for us. What a trooper!
Look at that technique! Maggie is a true master of his art form. He really sleeps like this, among other equally boneless positions.
As for the two-leggeds, we've replanted the garden casualites, done prodigious weeding, harvested plenty of lettuce, mowed, hilled, mucked, raked (but no muck-raking!) and as always, milked. Stella is still giving a steady 3 quarts each morning, saving plenty of cream for Doug. Sooner or later, I'll wean him so we cane get enough cream to make plenty of butter. But not just yet, because with once-a-day share-milking, I can actually take a couple days off each week and sleep in.
Also in the cattle news, Nash will be going home on the 28th. He's been really easy to deal with, and it seems like he's done his job, based on the lack of "sparks" between he & Stella. We'll be building our bull pen right after that. It will be an 8 'x 16' addition to our little barn, giving us 2 stalls on the south side that open onto a small pen and the pen opens onto 2 different grazing paddocks. It will give us lots of options for cattle-wrangling, and free up a stall for milking only.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Now, if I had a "Magnus" that would be one less task that I would have to worry about~ relaxing!!

    However, I see that he has it down to a fine art~ years or training and experience no doubt!

    Good to see you back again~
