The little peepers now have outside access. They love it when the weather is nice, but a rainy day keeps them parked at the coop door, peeking out. They even figured out how to get themselves back in at night without help!

I was so busy watching the chickies, I didn't notice Stella sneaking up to say howdy. She managed to lick my cheek with a nice grassy tongue before backing away to peek at the chickies too.

Here's the nosy heifer! She loved looking at the babies while they were in the coop, peeking over our shoulders while we fed them. Now she can chew her cud and enjoy the peep show all day.
We bottled our pale ale today, and had the first steamed nettles of the season. We also ran the electro net fencing so the critters could access so fresh grass. Still plenty of gardening going on, plus ever more projects being dreamed up for later this year.
For Stella: "She loves you, woman!!!"
For the Chicks: "Yours are so much bigger than mine..."
Have a good sunny weekend.
Stella's not watching the chicks, she's planning her midnight snack...
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