Maximum security chicken prison. Time in the "yard".
If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime. Hard-cases, everyone of 'em.
Here are the little buggers, FINALLY venturing outside, even though you pretty much have to poke them with sticks to get them out of their comfy, heated digs. They are feathering out nicely and starting to resemble grown-up chickens. Soon the electricity gets cut off.

Stella actually got in the way and mugged while I took pictures of the chicks, until she got her picture taken. I guess she was going for that hill-billy, old timey grass stem in the mouth look, and wanted it noted for posterity.
You may, or may not recall the Speckled Sussex chickens that took the long ride to the butchers, and came home dressed out and frozen. But here's some home canned stock made with one of the more decent sized birds... probably one of the roosters. It's got to be some of the best stock we've made or tasted. While the birds aren't exactly broilers, they sure make some good soup!

Green is just not Stella's color.
I think blue, or maybe red.
I think Stella got a green collar because it was on clearance. Don't tell her that though!
Once she's full grown, we'll get her a fancy leather one like Swiss dairy cows wear to hang a bell from...
If we can catch her!
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