So how big is Stewart anyway? We tried holding the yardstick up to measure, but apparently that is classified information! He got to meet a very nice lady Newfoundland today, and what did our big brave boy do? He hid. Very very scary to encounter another dog bigger than oneself. They had fun & shared a rawhide bone, played in the yard, etc. But in the end, Stew is more comfortable hanging out with Fergus, the easily dominated dwarf. Oh well...
We've reached the conclusion that Seven Trees can't really support 2 grazing critters. As nice as our grass is, it just isn't enough acreage. Stella could probably do fine until the rainy season, but Stella and Bob the bull, or Stella and her weaned calf, will need a good amount of hay put up for the year. Good thing we're building more storage space for hay, and learning how to manage the grazing we do have. We're thinking to try overseeding with timothy grass next. It was already growing here when we moved in, and seems to do better every year, with a little attention.
Dwarf cows and giant dogs.
It ain't Christian...
(tongue in cheek)
Always interesting to me to see what's going on at your place. You seem to take a very orderly approach to things.
Look at that dog! He's HUGE! Nice and healthy lookin too. Glad that things seem to be going go for you guys!
Ran across this link today and it reminded me of y'all. nettles.
The nettles link is funny!
Nettle tea does reek to high heaven once it gets fermenting. I have a batch in the greenhouse now ;- )
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