Where's Fergus?? The short-legged little gnome does pretty good finding his way over and under the various obstacles.
Both boys, taking a break from the hard slog. They had a blast being off-leash and jumping in mud while running back & forth to check on us.
Looking back from the falls. Check out the downed-tree debris!
Here's Stew the water-dog. He couldn't jump in the swimming hole at the falls, so he found a spot lower down to practice his deep-water stick-fetching skills.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...We're starting to get the itch for building, so stay tuned for barn-building updates this month. The pole beans and corn are starting to peek up. No sign of potatoes yet, except for the ones Newt digs up while looking for a nice potty spot! We picked out the colors for the house exterior, and will probably paint the barn first to see how it looks. The baby chickies have finally been approved for barnyard access, but still end up spending most of their time in the coop. We've also been looking ahead to fall when we can plant more trees & shrubs. The plan is to continue with the modified permaculture plan - edible, low-maintenance plants that will also look nice and add some screening & cooling to the house/yard.
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